individual therapy and coaching for perfectionists

Ever felt like you're drowning in the sea of your own expectations?

Struggling to keep your head above water while the weight of perfectionism pulls you deeper? You're not alone. Many high-achieving women, just like you, are caught in the relentless current of perfectionism, impacting not just work but relationships and self-worth.

Imagine a life where you're not constantly battling against yourself. That's possible. And it starts with learning to be compassionate to yourself.

As a therapist and coach specializing in supporting perfectionists like you, I understand the toll that these expectations take on your mental well-being.

Together, through therapy or coaching, we'll untangle the knots of constant self-criticism and cultivate a deep sense of self-compassion.

However, our journey doesn't end there. Let's take a look into the positive outcomes you can expect from our work together:

  • Boosted Self-Confidence: It's all about rediscovering your value and learning to self-validate beyond accomplishments.

  • Nurtured Relationships: Cultivate meaningful connections without the constant need to prove yourself.

  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Achieve fulfillment in your successes without sacrificing your well-being.

This journey isn't just about finding relief from the relentless pressure; it's about realigning your life and rediscovering what truly matters to you.

Ready to take that first step towards a life of flexibility and exploring the gray area?

Let's start with a complimentary 15-minute online consultation. It's an opportunity for us to connect and explore how therapy or coaching can transform your relationship with yourself and others.

I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Common Challenges for Perfectionists

  • You may struggle with an intense fear of failure, that activates your inner critic and anxiety about not meeting high standards.

  • You may find it challenging to delegate tasks, fearing that others may not meet your expectations. This can lead to burnout and increased stress.

  • You may frequently experience imposter syndrome, doubting your accomplishments and feeling as though you don't deserve your success.

  • You may be struggling to set boundaries which may result in increased stress and dissatisfaction in your personal and professional life.

  • Perfectionistic tendencies can extend to personal relationships, leading to high expectations for others and difficulties in accepting imperfections in loved ones.

  • Prioritizing self-care may be a struggle for you if you tend to put the needs of others or your professional responsibilities ahead of your own well-being.

  • Perfectionism often leads to a lack of resilience in the face of setbacks. Developing healthier coping mechanisms for handling disappointments is a common goal.

Goals and Outcomes for Perfectionists

  • Learn to develop self-compassion, allowing you to embrace your imperfections and treat yourself with kindness rather than self-criticism.

  • Learn effective stress management techniques and coping strategies to reduce the anxiety associated with your high standards.

  • Learn to set and maintain healthy boundaries, helping you balance your professional and personal life without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Challenge and reframe imposter syndrome, empowering you to recognize and internalize your achievements without constant self-doubt.

  • Improve communication skills, setting realistic expectations in relationships, and fostering connections without the need for perfection.

  • Learn to prioritize self-care, helping you recognize the importance of your own well-being and implement sustainable self-care practices.

  • Shift the focus from external validation to internal fulfillment, allowing you to find intrinsic motivation and satisfaction in your accomplishments.